“We are small and medium producers of yellow dragon fruit - pitahaya and products from the Amazon Region. We respect the Human Being and the Environment. We promote fair trade”
We directly trade quality fresh, tropical and exotic fruit from our plantations at fair price.
Palora City
Morona Santiago Province
Amazon región of Ecuador

Relevant information :
350 litle & medium producers
Women, men, Shuar indigenous and mestizo people
More than 350 hectares of crop extension.
More than 5’250.000 kilograms

Yellow dragon fruit properties:
Pitahaya (Selenicereus megalantous) can be consumed fresh or processed into ice cream, yogurt, jam, gelatin, jellies, cocktails, energizers, etc.
- Vitamin C
- Fiber
- Carbohydrates
- Water in 80%
- Antioxidant capacity
- Its seeds have a high content of natural fatty acids
- Linoleic acid
- The oil of its seeds has a laxative effect

Health benefits
Yellow dragon fruit is considered as a functional and nutraceutical food.

Yellow dragon fruit – Pitahaya Amarilla

It improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

It helps lower blood cholesterol.

It regulates blood sugar levels.

It prevents iron deficiency anemia.

It reduces high blood pressure.

It decreases the risks of suffering a heart or stroke.
Our Products %100 Fresh

It is ideal for weight loss diets.

It relieves symptoms of colds and flu-like states.

It helps in the formation of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, bone formation and maintenance.

It has diuretic properties.

It has cardiovascular properties.

It reduces uric acid levels.

Fruit grading:

Fruit pack:

- Pallet : 180 boxes 2,5 Kg.
- Net weight : 450 kg.
- Gross weight : > 550 kg.
Harvest volume:

Others products:
Our Products %100 Fresh
Yellow dragon fruit – Pitahaya Amarilla
Alliance´s organizations
FEDEPITAHAYA is a non-profit Alliance of 5 organizations of small & medium producers located in the Amazon region of Ecuador, Morona Santiago province, Palora canton.
Our associates are women and men, Shuar indigenous and mestizo persons, that emphasizes respect for the Human Beings and Nature, with the guarantee of free entry and participation of people.
Our associations promotes the fair trade of our products that allow the socio-economic development of at least 1050 people between partners, workers and their families.


Strengthen associativity and articulation with other organizations in the country and the world.

Ensure quality by implementing and obtaining international certifications that guarantee the management of 100% of the farms of partners and suppliers.

Directly market the fruit of our producers to international and national markets at a fair price and fair trade.

Support clean production processes, conversion to organic products, productive diversification, modernization, mechanization and technological innovation that increase productivity and yields per hectarea.

Implement and support initiatives for the processing and industrialization of members’ products.
Principles & values:
- Respect for the rights of the Human Being and the Environment.
- Equitable and sustainable development of members and their families individually and collectively.
- Free entry and participation of new members with unlimited number of them.
- We promote research, entrepreneurship and innovation.
- We promote production and productivity, transformation and fair trade of products.
- Non profit.
- Democratic, participatory, independent, non-partisan, secular, supportive and equitable, enterprising and innovative.
Actors Involved:
With the support of several local institutions with competences in the productive sector, important steps have been taken for the constitution of FEDEPITAHAYA and through it and our associations to support and strengthen our producer members.
- Distrito Provincial Morona Santiago – Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
- Instituto Nacional de Economía Popular y Solidaria
- Agrocalidad – Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
- Mesa Técnica de la pitahaya – GAD cantonal Palora
- ProEcuador – Ministerio de Industrias
- Proyecto Innovando Amazonía – IICA
- Proyecto Pidara – Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería
- Strengthening of marketing
- BPA implementation
- Global GAP certification
- Fair Trade certification
- Grasp Global GAP
- FSMA Global GAP
- Innovando Amazonía – IICA
- Pidara – Ministerio de Agricultura

Contact Us
Econ. Jairo Tipán Villarreal
- appycams@gmail.com
- +(593) 98 728 72 30

¿Cómo podemos servirte?
Av. Cumanda Km 3. Sector El Mojón, a 300 metros del redondel El Mojón.
e-mail: fedepitahayams@gmail.com
Palora – Cantón Palora – Provincia de Morona Santiago – Ecuador